
Showing posts with the label Homeopathy

A Good Start

Woke up this morning with toothache... I knew it was coming, as the tooth had cracked while we were in France. Had the dreaded emergency treatment this afternoon (a filling) & am now in more pain! Luckily, I've found some homeopathic remedies in our bathroom cabinet, which a friend gave to Sime last Summer after having his 4th tooth extracted... I've taken one dose of Arnica & have some Hyper & Cal to take too. Just hope that the pain will have calmed by tomorrow! I find the best way to cope with pain like toothache is to just keep busy - this morning there was lots of paperwork to sort through, then I decided to make: bread, rolls, a brown lentil cottage pie & a big pan of vegetable soup. We also travelled down the lane again for our daily walk - this is the view 10 minutes from the house... The beach is getting nearer...  The field has a footpath - which is the short cut to the beach, but we like going along the lane instead. Will take some photos of the l

Journey to Perfect Health *Part 4*

It is over 3 years since I came out of hospital & I returned home like a zombie! My body had been living with an over active thyroid for at least 2 years, so it was a shock to be suddenly the opposite... Conventional medication for hyperthyroidism, means bombarding your body with high levels of beta-blockers (to slow the heart rate) & antithyroid drugs - the idea being to speed up the process of slowing the thyroid down (if that makes sense)! Once the thyroid is stable, it is highly recommended that it is either removed or 'killed off' using radioactive iodine. Without the thyroid, you have to then take thyroxine tablets for the rest of your life... I have continued to refuse both of these, as I have always been convinced that I will recover completely & therefore not need to do anything so drastic, I weaned myself off the beta-blockers as soon as I got home & my heart has been absolutely fine. I have also 'messed around' with the antithyroid drug to