
Showing posts with the label Slow Day

Switching Off

It is important to have some quiet time each day, to turn off TVs, radios, devices and just enjoy the peace. We see how addicted people are to technology and the information they are constantly receiving – it is very clear that these things are having a huge impact on their lives. This unhealthy habit is being encouraged and it almost feels like an obligation to stay “tuned in” and up-to-date with everything that is going on in the world. We are also bombarded with messages about the past - world events to acknowledge, shows to commemorate and documentaries keeping us fixated on a time gone by. Even social media pushes photographic memories. Why do we need to keep dwelling on the past? And then of course, there is “the future” – we must worry about what is coming next... Ask yourself this question: What would happen if you switched everything off for a few hours? Well, this planet we call Earth will continue it’s journey around the sun and the huge machine dishing out it’s sl

Slow, Silly & Sunny

We can't remember the last time we woke naturally... It must have been weeks ago, so Sunday morning (well actually we didn't get up until 1pm) was extra special! We had such a lazy day...  And no Ryan, it wasn't beer for breakfast... It was nettle tea! Sime got the wood burner in as it was a bit chilly & of course, kitties got priority in the seating. A very excited Sime found his favourite drink on special offer last week. And I have to put up with a camera appearing in my face... This is all before the bottle was opened! Today (Tuesday) was the hottest day of the year so far... And we had lunch out in the garden for the first time! A lovely treat in between jobs... Another sneaky photo...  Sime was making me cry with laughter, he's so naughty & does it all the time... He just carries on until you feel like you can no longer breathe & often ends (as it did for Hugo yesterday) in having to spit out

Slow Sunday...

Is here again... Thank you for your comments - we'll get back to you on Monday! Tomorrow's going to be spent doing nice things. Happy Sunday!!! Kay & Sime xx

Slowing Down

Smile. Breathe. Go slowly. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh  Two years ago, we took part in the  No Impact Experiment  & at the end of the week we wrote about  Giving Back & Eco Sabbath . Spending time giving to others is something we've thought a lot about lately - we clean for a lovely, intelligent & kind man who finds life incredibly difficult. He masks his problems with alcohol, has tried on several occasions to stop & has even gone into rehab, but he is so lonely - as soon as he's back at home, the cycle starts all over again... We have come to really care for this chap & look forward to catching up with him each week, we always do a bit extra because we want to & he is always very grateful. So when people say - you're running a business, not a charity... We say - we wouldn't do it if we didn't want to... As long as we're happy to do it & it's brightening someone else's day - that's all that matters! We are often asked if